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News Brief

Sept. 5, 2019Hamburg, IA |  By: Brent Barnett

2019 Hamburg Popcorn Day is this Saturday

Despite the tragic flooding in and around the community this year, the Hamburg, Iowa Popcorn Day celebration goes on as scheduled this Saturday.
Judy Holliman is a member of the Hamburg Kiwanis -- which sponsors the event. She says with all of the devastation the community has experienced with flooding this year, having the celebration is important to bring back a sense of normalcy.

"I'm very proud of our town that they've decided to go back and have Popcorn Day after all the devastation we had earlier this spring.  It's really nice to see everybody pulling together to have a happy festival again this year."

Holliman says it's the 58th year for the Popcorn Day Festival, which has been held every year since 1961 and serves as the community's annual celebration.

"We seem to be building each year a little bit more.  This year we're honoring our heroes who volunteered for flood recovery and are still working on flood recovery.  We even had our theme before the flood.  We had decided 'Not All Heroes Wear Capes'.  We have a lot of doctors and nurses and policemen and firemen, and everybody that helps out.  It just so happened we had the flood, and the theme was quite appropriate so we carried on with that theme."

Among the festival's many scheduled events is the annual grand parade at 1 p.m. Organizer Elaine Howard says parade registration runs from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Park and Q Streets. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is scheduled to serve as the parade's grand marshal.

The festival got its start in 1961 when local businessman and owner of Vogel Popcorn, Art Vogel, created a way to thank farmers who grew popcorn for his business. A full schedule of activities for Saturday's Popcorn Day Festival can be found on the event's Facebook page.